05 december 2016, multiple sclerosis, another month is over

Hello to everyone. Winter has сome as always unnoticeably. And I turned 29. Life flies very fast, I remember a great deal of moments from my childhood as it happened yesterday. One of my first memories – a tricycle, autumn, rainy weather.😎 The people come out of the entryway, the bike gets stuck in the crooked pavement made off-hand. Here’s the first class, the first problems. They felt funny for the first time. My legs spasmed during a PE lesson, but the effect disappeared very quickly.

Whatever. I don’t care, I have 70 years ahead of me. What’s the point in regretting the past? Let’s have a look at what is waiting for me in the future. So, here’s the video:

As always, I’ve decided to share with you some of my thoughts about what’s going on.

7 november 2016. 9th month is over. Moving ahead.

Hello to all of you, my concerned readers. November has come, there are 3 months left, and my challenge will be over. I’d like to say that the progress is going on. Maybe, it’s not so fast, and I still can’t run, on the other hand, I’m very glad of having this result after 7 years in a wheelchair. Some people who have never faced neuron injuries may think that I haven’t gone so far – I can hardly control my knees, my pelvis shakes while standing, I stagger while walking, and I hardly  control my feet at all. And still, I suggest comparing  videos in order not to speak a lot and show nothing, but to give you a chance to see with your own eyes :

7  november 2016, the 9th month.  

6 october 2016. New month, new successes.

Hello to everyone. The challenge is going on – you’ll find the result by the end of the 8th month below. And then I’ll tell you what I think when I see these results. I decided not to write everything, but only the most obvious part, which may be noticed at once. Here is the video:

The video is divided into 2 parts. At the beginning, I used my old way of walking, you can see it throughout 2 first minutes in the first part of the video.  I used to walk by not bending my knee forward. I would say that now this style has become pretty easy for me – I don’t make too much effort, it happens reflectively. I don’t get tired when I walk this small distance any more. However, I used to sweat heavily after 8-10 minute slow physical practice 6 months ago. I fell down very often, and I recorded only the most successful walks from my sofa to the wall and back. I would say that it happened every other 3 attempts.

05 September 2016. Multiple sclerosis and demyliation once more.

Hello to all of you, my dear readers! Autumn has started, so has a new school year. It´s already September and it is raining. How fast time flies! It seems that only yesterday I was thinking if I should start all this stuff with the blog and challenge, and now it’s the end of the 7th month.
So, let’s see the results :

As a whole, serious changes in the pace haven’t happened, my knee joint keeps my weight half time, and I can’t rely on it. That’s the reason why I move my body forward, but my legs stay kind of behind me, so I need more rigid support.

The end of the 6-th month. August 8, 2016. Soon.

Good morning to everyone!   It’s over 30 degrees above zero outdoors, it’s about plus 32 indoors, and I’m like piece of melting butter in the porridge, and I’ve already had a cup of coffee. What a wonderful day is waiting for me. I can already feel this heat and I also feel the cool draught coming from the place I usually sit in my room. I feel this urge of complete laziness and doing nothing, aside a strong desire of ice-cream which can be bought by someone. When I was a child, I used to wait for such hot days with anticipation just to have a swim in the river or go fishing somewhere. It’s funny that I walked 10 km every day at the age of 14, just to catch a couple of breams and perches, and at the age of 26, I could hardly leave my home literally crawling.

Besides, it’s going to be a thunderstorm, so I have to write down this article asap, otherwise they can switch off the Internet again or the electricity, which is even worse, of course. 

You’ll find the update of my results bellow. And yes, it really is happening right now. Today, on August, 11th, while writing this article, I feel very well. Some MS symptoms have been decreasing for the last half of a year. Moreover, my mobility, endurance and stamina have only increased.  In addition to this test open for public access, there are some results, or we can better say – achievements, which I would like to keen in secret so far. But they all demonstrate and show that my health is getting better and better.

One more body-builder - Torneo Power Pro G-425-K.

Hello to all of you! It’s already August, everything is green. The weather is good, it’s very hot out there. Oh, and I’m lazy, so lazy.  Many people can understand what I’m talking about. Fatigue as a consequence of the heat is something usual when you have MS. It takes me only 5 degrees (it’s about plus 30) to start being like in a fog.  .

You’ll find another base exercise machine from my collection below. This type is called (if I remember correctly) a multi gym. I bought it a long time ago - about 6 years ago. It worked pretty well. It’s not for heavy weights, it’s mostly for pumping as they say. This means you will lift light and medium weights with a great number of repetitions. I was quite satisfied with this particular equipment But of course there are some disadvantages such as a weight limit and a necessity of oiling to reduce frictions.

Overcome MS challenge continues, 16 July 2016.

Hello to everyone . НHere you will find my next achievement on July, 16th. I should say that I delayed the publishing of my post this month without any evil intentions. It’s just summer time, and I got some rest as many others. 

In general, the positive dynamics continues, but I’m a bit disappointed. I wished it to happen from the very first attempt, and I wished it to be so efficient. Snap my fingers once – and I’m running,  but the reality is different, beautiful though very severe. And it keeps sticking my nose into the fact that “if you wanna get something, please be so kind to wait cause good things ain’t done so fast”. Nope. I think they ARE done. I’m pretty much sure of it.

At the 7th minute of the video, I’m telling you about my current results.

My diagnosis.

Hello, my dear readers! It has been 4 months since the beginning of the challenge, and I have about 220 days to prove to myself and you that it is possible. It is possible to recover after severe damaging of a nervous system. But now, just to while away the time, I decided to share my current and exact diagnosis with you. As you may remember, I’ve written several times that it is ambiguous.

Closer to the goal and farther from multiple sclerosis.3rd of June. The fourth month is over.

Hello to all my dear readers. Here’s the result on the 3rd of June, 2016. It’s the end of the 4th month of applying the “4.0” method. Here we can see, even with the naked eye, that my movements have become sharper, faster and stronger, I keep my balance better. It looks like that I’ve gained several victories against MS and demyelination since the last month  . What is coming next? I’m curious myself. 

Multiple sclerosis, 4th of May, 2016. Walking and falling already better

Good day. Now it’s the end of the 3rd month of applying the alternative method – the 4th of May, 2016. Here it’s more obvious that the hip is moving sharper and the balance is steadier. I don’t say that the result is so drastic, but I can see and feel it .

As I’ve already mentioned, there are some certain problems with applying the method and a plain animal fear. Besides, I’ve noticed a good increase in endurance and more strength in my knee-joint. It’s rather difficult to see it in the videos, that’s why you’ll have to believe my word. At the beginning of December I managed to make 3 steps and move my legs little, at the beginning of May I can walk the distance from my sofa to the wall and back about 20 times in half an hour, and I don’t make such a great effort in doing this. Yes, the movements are not straight, however, they are from  a person who spend a fifth of his life in a sitting position.

To Walk with a full control of my knees and feet  is still quite difficult, especially when i am limited with a cane. The knee-joint pain slows down the whole process. I understand that I can’t think about serious practice until my movements become more straight, as the risk of getting an injury is still high. I’m thinking of going for a walk with a cane. Don’t get lost – you’ll have more fun and challenge  in the future.

6 th of April 2016, Multiple Sclerosis and Leg press

Hello to everyone! Here’s the result on the 6th of April, 2016. I can notice some center-of-gravity shift, I fall more seldom, the strength has increased, but it still looks awful. Honestly speaking, I think it ll look awful for a long time.  

It was naïve to assume that I can get rid of all my problems in one month. To recover in a month after 6 years spent in a wheelchair is impossible. By all measures, the equation is the same. When you take 2% of mobility and add half, you get not 52%, but only 3%. Anyway, I’ll be happy with it and take it.

Although I cherished hope…  

9 march 2016, Multiple sclerosis walking and falling

Hello to everybody. It’s high time to publish the first month results of using “4.0”.  I should say that I didn’t feel well at that moment, and there are pretty many problems with applying of this current practice.

Although at the beginning of December 2015, when doses were of quite small quantity, I began walking with a cane a little bit. Only a couple of steps, not more than this.

The more the better – by the beginning of January, 2016, I could walk from the sofa to the wall and back several times. By all means, the movements weren’t very straight, the legs moved little, and I fell down with every third step. Unfortunately, many of you can imagine what it feels like to manage to make first steps after 5-6 years in a wheelchair and what enormous efforts it takes.

Multiple sclerosis, demyelination and I.

Hello to everybody! So much time passed since I got the idea of creating this blog, almost 8 years. That’s why, first of all, I’d like to thank everyone who visited my site and everyone who followed me on different social networks. Thank you to all of my dear readers. And yes, I decided to open an English version of this blog for those who don’t understand Russian quite well. So,  Ladies and Gentlemen – welcome.

This blog was designed and developed as a source where you can find the information about multiple sclerosis, how to struggle with this disease and overcome it, how to recover after relapses and what medicine you can and should take. As many of us already know, judging by your own experience, it is not so easy and unambiguously.