The result after the 1-st year of applying the 4.0.

As I promised earlier you’ll find here  the results of recovery conception which I have been applying for one year and which is called 4.0. But in the first place, you have to take into consideration the fact that recovery is undergoing when I have a very dangerous wide-spread chronicle autoimmune disease – multiple sclerosis.  This disease turns a healthy person into a wheelchair user during 10 years, and it kills him completely over the course of 35 years (in most of the cases). And I’m not talking only about damage of motor functions. Multiple sclerosis can destroy absolutely any function which is controlled by brain – feelings, memory, eye sight, reflexes, absolutely anything. Please bear in mind that I haven’t been taking ANY medicine since the beginning of the challenge, and I’d say even more – there isn’t any medicine which aims at remyelination or neuron growth. As a result, recovery from constant MS symptoms is impossible because of disability accumulation. I understand perfectly that there is a range of drugs to slow down the development of MS – DMD’s, alemtuzumab, and a couple of medical procedures such as HSCT (Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation) and a high dose chemo therapy. However, I consider all the procedures highly risky and excessive. I’m not going to convince anybody in anything. Watch, read, study and decide on your own.

The end of the 12th month.

Hello, everybody! It’s already February. One year ago I made a decision to start this challenge and check whether I would be able to get out of my wheelchair. I decided to find out if it’s possible to recover pelvis and knee functions and return freedom of moves to my body. On the one hand, the challenge seems to be ridiculous and even crazy a bit. But, you can’t even imagine how many interesting cases of neuroregeneration and CNS recovery I can explain according to my theory which I have developed. It’s silly to run ahead a train (or a locomotive as we say in Russian), but I can’t just stand and keep silence either. And I’m not going to.

The partial analysis of what has been happening to me since last February can be found above, in the next article. As for now, here it is – the 12th month.