4 years have passed, part 2

Somewhere in 2014 I quit my job as a programmer and began to invest all my free time in a project on neurogenesis and solution for SPMS. In those years, I faced a number of problems - I was crawling, I had paresis in my right hand, and I was also extremely frightened by negative dynamics of my MS development. If I had to go somewhere on the street, go up / down the stairs, my father often dragged me around on his neck. I clung to him, hung on him and he dragged me around. All other times i used a wheelchair.

I worked without an employment contract, one might say I was a freelancer, sometimes it was good, but sometimes it was bad. So, for example, I was not able to receive unemployment benefits after being fired. And there also was no sense in staying at work, even if I had signed an employment contract and worked for another half a year, expecting that I could then apply for unemployment benefits. Because in this situation, only a cemetery and a coffin would await me.

Video above is August 24, 2020. It has became noticeable that my gait became even stronger, that MS not only failed to grab a piece of my legs over the past year, but he also weakened a little. Why? How ? The question is extremely interesting.

If we assume that the result of partial restoration of motor functions of legs is a consequence of remyelination of neurons, then why do the processes of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis initially arise? That is coz, according to the modern point of view, SPMS is a consequence of the fact that neurons were not remyelinated in time and, as a result, died. The more often a patient with MS experiences relapces and the worse he heals them, then faster SPMS develops and then sooner the patient will find himself in a situation of stable symptoms, which will very often be expressed by motor dysfunctions of legs and a wheelchair. At the same time, the terms that are indicated in medical literature, about how long a neuron is able to live without myelin, they are from 1 to several years. Of course, these dates are not accurate and these measurements are extremely approximate, but nevertheless. The question is, if a patient has been in a wheelchair for 10 years because of MS, then what kind of remyelination can we talk about at all? According to theory, he will develop SPMS, which will be expressed in extensive neurodegeneration, and neurodegeneration cannot be treated and the SPMS itself incurable too.

Do you feel it? Do you understand? At the moment, I think 2%. I hook 2% of the entire population of people on this planet, I can change their lives. These are mainly children with disabilities / young people with disabilities and disabled people of middle age.

When I go there on video, it is not quite noticeable, but I use afo, a soft variation of it. My feets are in plegias, plegias are not curable, plegias are the result of death of motor neurons. There is now one extremely interesting international grading system for plegias - ASIA. Afo fixes my foot and protects it, does not let it to drag. The problem of the  afo that I use is that it is weak,  model is able to fix the foot only in one vertical plane, but there is no fixation in the horizontal plane. Therefore my feets in this video dangle to the left / right.

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