4 years have passed, part 3

 I have good news for you, girls and boys, my health condition in recent years has stabilized so much that I decided to look for work again. Yes, yes, I go back to work, again to the front end development. What's the point? Because I can, because I can again!

What is the point then in writing in this part of blog if it does not have an audience? Well, answer is quite simple, because I will have to show something to the employer and develop trust. The Hapibai project is a wonderful project in terms of front-end and data science. This is a wonderful project in terms of internal growth and development. And for audience, it is just  a matter of time. I can buy ads, I can tweak YouTube, write articles, it's just a matter of money.

And here is the last video at the time of 2020. Walk for 1 km. It has took about 1 hour. The road is uneven, gravel, village. It is also extremely difficult for me to maintain balance when implementing complex movements of the hips. Why? This is a good question and debates on it are underway and probably will continue for more than one millennium. If you, my dear readers, have a desire to understand this, then you should look in the theory of GMFCS.

Was the 1 km walk easy? No, I wouldn't say that. Was it challenging? No, I wouldn't say that ether. How would I characterize it? It was consistently slow. I kept the balance with crutches and my legs moved. Kicked one leg, strained the quadriceps, shifted the weight, kicked second leg. Nothing complicated, but there is a problem of balance and paresis / spasticity, my gait is therefore slow. Can this be fixed ? Well, you can't completely fix it, but something can be done

When faced with a large task, you need to build an algorithm, divide this task into small sub-parts and solve each of these sub-parts separately when time comes to it. The task I faced was to build a solution to SPMS problem. The current subtask is to fix my feets in horizontal plane so that they do not dangle so much and gait would become more confident. To solve this subtask, I now need to redo my PRP(personal rehabilitation program), and then my road lies for the KAFO.

The problem of plegias is not solvable, when neurodegeneration leads to the formation of plegias, the patient loses, he cannot be helped in any way. He will never be able to consciously contract muscles that are in plegia and therefore very often will not be able to stand or walk on his own. At this moment, my plegias are only limited by my  feets and I really hope that in the worst case it will remain so until my death.

Largely because my feet dangle when performing complex movements, I am so slow and hence unstable. Fortunately, modern prosthetics can help this problem, and there are already very interesting proposals on the market. My  task now is to partially pay for orthoses at the expense of the state, and therefore it is necessary to redo PRP.

But not so long ago  another problem emerged. Covid. Russian hospitals overloaded and it is not so easy to remake PRP while sitting in the middle of Siberia in a sparsely populated village. And then,  with this document, I would have to travel across half of the country to a large city for prosthetics.

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