Hello, everybody! It’s already February. One year ago I made a decision to start this challenge and check whether I would be able to get out of my wheelchair. I decided to find out if it’s possible to recover pelvis and knee functions and return freedom of moves to my body. On the one hand, the challenge seems to be ridiculous and even crazy a bit. But, you can’t even imagine how many interesting cases of neuroregeneration and CNS recovery I can explain according to my theory which I have developed. It’s silly to run ahead a train (or a locomotive as we say in Russian), but I can’t just stand and keep silence either. And I’m not going to.

The partial analysis of what has been happening to me since last February can be found above, in the next article. As for now, here it is – the 12th month.
As I expected the recovery of pelvis functions and balance in general would be happening. It feels rather strange at times – it feels as I can walk with a cane, and I finally feel stability. It doesn’t look like the previous moves. I used to have 2 different ways of walking. The first one is following: I used to bend my knee joint backwards and create angles with a pelvis and spine in the area of my small of back where I moved the weight of my body. The second way of walking was about transferring all my body weight on a cane as support. This kind of support wasn’t stable enough, and I hoped that my body would keep balance. But, the current pattern of moving is interesting regarding the fact that making a step I still can return the position of my pelvis and spine in the primary position where I can keep my balance and stand for quite a long time, for several minutes, which leads to stability of my moves.

I don’t feel a lot in the area of reflex recovery. I can manage my pelvis (of course, I do it worse than a majority of people) through my consciousness, but I don’t feel a recovery of my reflexes and their functionality while walking. I swing sidewards because the part of the brain which is responsible for these functions has been destroyed. I consider it as a matter of time. The decrease of demyelination level and neuron growth in the damaged parts of cerebrum will impact on this issue somehow.
Yes, I understand I still swing a lot and I have a severe ataxy. But in general, I’d say that for the 1st time in the last 8 years I managed to stand not on my joints, but on my muscles.
At the end of the video, as always, I did a small squat – I feel my knee joint keep becoming stronger. Although I wouldn’t use “become stronger”, it feels like it is being recovered from the position of neuron control. It leads to the fact that my moves are becoming more stable, and the stamina is growing. I do a squat easily, but I still cant keep balance. It’s genuinely incredible after 8 years in a wheelchair and 1.5 year of failure in a hack squat and leg press. 

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