Hello to all of you, my concerned readers. November has come, there are 3 months left, and my challenge will be over. I’d like to say that the progress is going on. Maybe, it’s not so fast, and I still can’t run, on the other hand, I’m very glad of having this result after 7 years in a wheelchair. Some people who have never faced neuron injuries may think that I haven’t gone so far – I can hardly control my knees, my pelvis shakes while standing, I stagger while walking, and I hardly control my feet at all. And still, I suggest comparing videos in order not to speak a lot and show nothing, but to give you a chance to see with your own eyes :
The progress is obvious, isn’t it? You can clearly see that I managed to return back a minimum control over my knee and pelvis joints, can’t you? And here the most interesting part starts. Is this really a leukodystrophy or something else? The process of remission has started, and it’s completely impossible if one has leukodystrophy. I conclude that my disease probably is multiple sclerosis, which appeared at a pretty early age and began to progress. It’s quite usual to end up in a wheelchair after 10 years of multiple sclerosis. And All these symptoms I have been experiencing look like multiple sclerosis – control loss, strength loss, stamina loss, fatigue, progressive motor disorder, focal damage of brain and spinal cord.
But Does it mean that it’s possible to stimulate remissions and even remyelination? Also, we have to take into consideration that neurons die during a prolonged demyelination. And that I would have to face not only demyelination but also a vast destruction of neurons in damaged parts of my brain and spinal cord. Also, let’s not forget about one opinion of some people who work in the field of modern medicine and their attitude to such kinds of traumas with brain and spinal cord which I don’t support because I think that they are dictated with marketing policy of big pharmacological companies. The theory says that neurons can’t recover and remyelinate, and the brain itself just constructs a new neuron chain, and that’s how the remission happens. And that’s why the process of remission stops being possible due to the extremely serious damage of brain and spinal cord as a result of severe and prolonged demyelination. As I have already said, foresaid (in my opinion) is stupid and wrong because there is a specific group of cells responsible for remyelination of neuron chains - oligodendrocyte. Therefore, the process of remyelination is a natural process for us, and it directly says that neurons grow and feel constant urge for remyelination.
But does this mean that we can achive considerable remyelination and neuron growth in our bodies with damaged central nervous system? Yes, it does. We can see this process undergoing in people’s bodies with damaged spinal cords and the other people with not such a severe CNS damage.A lot of them recover just by doing different physical exercises, physical therapy, yoga. Why can’t people with MS recover doing the same things such as physical exercises and yoga? They do the same, and ever more and harder.I think it happens mostly because people with MS face a degenerate disease which didn’t happen once in the past but happens every single day in the present. Myeline is being destroyed, very quickly at times, and that’s why a patient mostly loses the race between a slow myeline regeneration and fast myeline destruction. The result can be seen in progressive paralyses. It suggests that those damages which MS patients face is the result of inefficient treatment that doesn’t aim to activate remyelination and neuron growth.
What does all this positive dynamics from my videos mean? It means that it’s possible to whip up a process of remyelination and neuron regeneration, its growth and self-learning, turning negative dynamics (pic.1) into positive (pic.2). And already now it leads us to absurdness like people with 40-year MS experience and absence of the symptoms. It happens because you need not only to consider about location of damages and a number of attacks from your immune system on your CNS, BUT the speed of restoring myeline in damaged neuron chains as well..
In general, if to be honest, what I’m doing and trying to prove as a working conception is a big theory of development and CNS remyelination of many organisms. The theory is about how to make central nervous system more effective, developed, stronger and faster. If I’m right, it will be possible to apply this method in different ways and will not concern only MS or even brain and spine injuries, it will concern all of us because all the people have extremely developed and vast central nervous system.
Undoubtedly, I understand perfectly that all these words are very loud, and I’m not going to stick to them. These words demand not only theories but very accurate and precise experimental evidence. And, the experiment whose the only object (it’s me) is a 28-year-old male human being hasn’t finished yet, and it’s pointless to speak about something tangible. Will it be a success? Will I fail? Next three months will show everything. As for now, everything is as it is.
Also, there’s something I want to show you, one more video (recorded in August, 2016), which contains a very appealing topic for MS patients. I decided to record how legs can look like after 7 years in a wheelchair, the video is very short, and I guess that everyone will stand it. This should have been done a long time ago.
You can see that the muscles controlling a knee joint have deteriorated drastically, the calf muscles have disappeared completely. The footsteps hangs and isn’t under control.
7 november 2016, the 9th month.
I failed a bit, my camera had discharged and I had to charge it and record the video later. As I live in the north, it gets dark early.
8 august 2016, the 6th month.
9 march 2016, 1th month.
The progress is obvious, isn’t it? You can clearly see that I managed to return back a minimum control over my knee and pelvis joints, can’t you? And here the most interesting part starts. Is this really a leukodystrophy or something else? The process of remission has started, and it’s completely impossible if one has leukodystrophy. I conclude that my disease probably is multiple sclerosis, which appeared at a pretty early age and began to progress. It’s quite usual to end up in a wheelchair after 10 years of multiple sclerosis. And All these symptoms I have been experiencing look like multiple sclerosis – control loss, strength loss, stamina loss, fatigue, progressive motor disorder, focal damage of brain and spinal cord.
But Does it mean that it’s possible to stimulate remissions and even remyelination? Also, we have to take into consideration that neurons die during a prolonged demyelination. And that I would have to face not only demyelination but also a vast destruction of neurons in damaged parts of my brain and spinal cord. Also, let’s not forget about one opinion of some people who work in the field of modern medicine and their attitude to such kinds of traumas with brain and spinal cord which I don’t support because I think that they are dictated with marketing policy of big pharmacological companies. The theory says that neurons can’t recover and remyelinate, and the brain itself just constructs a new neuron chain, and that’s how the remission happens. And that’s why the process of remission stops being possible due to the extremely serious damage of brain and spinal cord as a result of severe and prolonged demyelination. As I have already said, foresaid (in my opinion) is stupid and wrong because there is a specific group of cells responsible for remyelination of neuron chains - oligodendrocyte. Therefore, the process of remyelination is a natural process for us, and it directly says that neurons grow and feel constant urge for remyelination.
Undoubtedly, I understand perfectly that all these words are very loud, and I’m not going to stick to them. These words demand not only theories but very accurate and precise experimental evidence. And, the experiment whose the only object (it’s me) is a 28-year-old male human being hasn’t finished yet, and it’s pointless to speak about something tangible. Will it be a success? Will I fail? Next three months will show everything. As for now, everything is as it is.

Also, there’s something I want to show you, one more video (recorded in August, 2016), which contains a very appealing topic for MS patients. I decided to record how legs can look like after 7 years in a wheelchair, the video is very short, and I guess that everyone will stand it. This should have been done a long time ago.
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